Physical Health Services
Integrated Healthcare Clinic (IHC)
Tri-County encourages the overall health of our clients and provides basic medical care through our Integrated Healthcare Clinic.
IHC Services are provided to adults who are currently active in our adult outpatient program.
IHC primary care physicians treat and monitor:
- Hypertension
- Diabetes
- High cholesterol
- Other treated medical conditions are determined after gathering additional medical information
Clients are seen onboard our Mobile Integrated Healthcare Clinic, which travels to each location weekly in order to provide basic medical services.
For additional information please contact our IHC Administrator at 936-521-6335.

Wellness Clinic (WC)

Mental and physical health are key to maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Our Wellness Clinic promotes and encourages a healthy lifestyle and supports whole-person wellness opportunities.
The Wellness Clinic focuses on:
- Reaching and maintaining a healthy BMI (body mass index)/weight management
- Reducing risk of heart attack
- Preventing and managing diabetes
- Dietary education and management
Our Wellness Clinic services are provided to adults who are currently enrolled in our adult outpatient program.
For additional information please contact our WC Administrator at 936-521-6335.